
Archive for the ‘Dear Jane’ Category

A quilty weekend


 I had this wonderfull weekend. My friend Lisselott was here the whole weekend, and my dh wasn’t home so we didn’t do anything else but sew. It was great. I focused mainly on getting all the HST done, and it got done…

Blue quilt

I have even started on piecing the  pieces together and got half way through, and even finished one block to see what it would look like later:

Blue quilt

Yesterday we had our Wednesday sewinggroup meeting and I made one Dear Jane block:

Dear Jane A9

I have also made some progress on my cardigan. I am now getting the point where I have to start the neckcollor and the armholes at the same time. It is a bit intimidating but I hope to get started soon.


I have been sick this week, I had this fever and a bad cough. So I hope to get better soon and do some more sewing..


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